Reimagining Care/Work Policies


We are producing a wide range of knowledge outputs for academics, researchers, policy experts, community service providers,  and the general public. Here you will find books, journal articles and book chapters, selected presentations and panels, and reports. The RC/W has partially or fully funded these outputs.

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La conciliation emploi-famille chez les mères et les pères québécois en temps de pandémie: constats et recommandations pour le Québec

Mathieu, S. & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)

Parentalité, conciliation emploi-famille et composition genrée de la main-d’oeuvre dans les organisations en temps de pandémie : le cas du Québec

Mathieu, S. & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)

“Looking After Our Own is What We Do”: Urban Ontario Indigenous Perspectives on Juggling Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work for Adult Family Members

Jewell, E., Doucet, A, Falk, J, and Hilston, K. (2022)

A decolonizing, intersectional, Black feminist approach to young Black Caribbean-Canadian mothers’ resilience

Goddard-Durant, S. K., Doucet, A., Tizza, H., & Sieurnarine, J. A. (2022)

“Time is Not Time is Not Time”: Care Responsibilities, Clock Time, and Process Time

Doucet, A. (2022)

La conciliation emploi-famille chez les mères et les pères québécois en temps de pandémie : constats et recommandations pour le Québec

Mathieu, S., & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)

Parenthood, Gender, and the Risks and Consequences of Job Loss

Fuller, S. & Qian, Y. (2022)

‘I’m kind of in a dilemma’: The challenges of non-standard work schedules and childcare

Richardson, B., Prentice, S., & Lero, D. (2021)

A Conversation with Pat Armstrong about “Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography”

Doucet, A., and Armstrong, P. (2021)

Decolonising Research with Black Communities:  Developing Equitable and Ethical Relationships between Stakeholders

Goddard-Durant, S., Sieunarine, J. A. and Doucet, A (2021)

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