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Concilier emploi et famille en temps de pandémie : les résultats d’une recherche au Québec
Tremblay, D. G., & Mathieu. S (2021)
Évolution et transformation de la politique familiale québécoise depuis 1997
Mathieu, S., & Tremblay, D.G. (2021)
What does Rachel Carson have to do with Family Sociology and Family Policies? Ecological Relational Ontologies and Crossing Social Imaginaries
Doucet, A. (2021)
Critiquing Ontario’s Childcare Policy Responses to the Inextricably Connected Needs of Mothers, Children and Early Childhood Educators
Richardson, B., Powell, A., & Langford, R. (2021)
COVID-19 and Childcare in Canada: A Tale of Ten Provinces and Three Territories
Friendly, M., Forer, B., Vickerson, R., & Mohamed, S. S (2021)
Unpacking the Childcare and Education Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from the Canadian Province of Quebec
Mathieu, S (2021)
L’effet paradoxal de la pandémie sur l’articulation emploi-famille: le cas du Québec
Mathieu, S., & Tremblay, D. G. (2021)
Socially Inclusive Parenting Leaves and Parental Benefit Entitlements: Rethinking Care and Work Binaries
Doucet, A. (2021)
COVID-19 and the Gender Gap in Employment Among Parents of Young Children in Canada
Fuller, S. & Qian, Y. (2021)
Role of Child Care in Creating Inclusive Communities and Access for All
van Rhijin, T., Underwood, K. Frankel, E. Lero, D.S. Spalding, K., Janus, M. Friendly, M. & Haché, A. (2021)