Reimagining Care/Work Policies


We are producing a wide range of knowledge outputs for academics, researchers, policy experts, community service providers,  and the general public. Here you will find books, journal articles and book chapters, selected presentations and panels, and reports. The RC/W has partially or fully funded these outputs.

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Les éducatrices en services de garde : les anges oubliés?

Mathieu, S. (2021)

Pandemic Punctures Child-Care Illusion

Prentice, S. (2021)

Risky business: Child care ownership in Canada past, present and future

Friendly, M., Vickerson, R., Mohamed, S. S., Rothman, L.& Nguyen, N. T. (2021)

What is the ‘Québec model’ of early learning and childcare?

Cleveland, G., Mathieu, S., & Japel, C. (2021)

Dear Erin O’Toole: your tax scheme is not child care

Ballantyne, M. (2021)

Which political party has the best child care plan?

Cleveland, G. (2021)

Lies, Damned Lies, and Conservative Politicians

Cleveland, G. (2021)

What should the Ontario Child Care Plan include?

Cleveland, G. (2021)

How to grow an accessible, high quality, equitable child care system

Friendly, M. and Anderson, L. (2021)

FAQ: What’s wrong with for-profit Child Care?

Cleveland, G. (2021)

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