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Critiquing Ontario’s Childcare Policy Responses to the Inextricably Connected Needs of Mothers, Children and Early Childhood Educators, Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(3), 3-15.
Richardson, B., Powell, A., & Langford, R. (2021)
Pandemic Effects: Ableism, Exclusion, and Procedural Bias. Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(3), 16-29
Underwood, K., van Rhijn, T., Balter, A.S., Feltham, L., Douglas, P., Parekh, G, & Lawrence, B. (2021)
COVID-19 and Childcare in Canada: A Tale of Ten Provinces and Three Territories
Friendly, M., Forer, B., Vickerson, R., & Mohamed, S. S (2021)
Role of Child Care in Creating Inclusive Communities and Access for All
van Rhijin, T., Underwood, K. Frankel, E. Lero, D.S. Spalding, K., Janus, M. Friendly, M. & Haché, A. (2021)
Manitoba Child Care during COVID-19
Prentice, S. (2020)