Reimagining Care/Work Policies


We are producing a wide range of knowledge outputs for academics, researchers, policy experts, community service providers,  and the general public. Here you will find books, journal articles and book chapters, selected presentations and panels, and reports. The RC/W has partially or fully funded these outputs.

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La conciliation emploi-famille chez les mères et les pères québécois en temps de pandémie : constats et recommandations pour le Québec

Mathieu, S., & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)

Four ideas to make Quebec’s child-care system a model for all of Canada

Mathieu, S. (2022)

What Should We Look for in Ontario’s Child Care Agreement?

Cleveland, G. (2022)

No Good Reason for Ontario to Delay Signing Child-Care Agreement

Prentice, S. & Pasolli, L. (2022)

‘I’m kind of in a dilemma’: The challenges of non-standard work schedules and childcare

Richardson, B., Prentice, S., & Lero, D. (2021)

$10 a day Childcare Will Dramatically Reduce Employment Barriers for Parents

Cleveland, G. (2021)

Childcare for Recovery and Rebuilding: Policy Brief

Bezanson, K., A. Bevan, and M. Lysack (2021)

Non-Standard Work and Child Care in Canada: A Challenge for Parents, Policy Makers, and Child Care Provision

Lero, D. S., Prentice, S., Friendly, M., Richardson, B., & Fraser, L. (2021)

What is the ‘Québec model’ of early learning and childcare?

Cleveland, G., Mathieu, S., & Japel, C. (2021)

Il faut qu’on parle des éducatrices en garderie

Mathieu, S. (2021)

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