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Redesign Parental Leave System to Enhance Gender Equality
Doucet, A. Mathieu, S. and McKay, L. (2020)
Redesign Parental Leave System to Enhance Gender Equality
Doucet, A., Mathieu, S., & McKay, L. (2020)
Rentrée : a-t-on (encore) oublié les éducatrices?
Mathieu, S. (2020)
A-t-on pensé aux enfants en services de garde?
Mathieu, S. (2020)
COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap among Parents of Young Children
Qian, Y. and Fuller, S. (2020)
Child Care Becoming Unaffordable for Many
Prentice, S., & Stevens, H. (2020)
The Pandemic is hurting Canada’s working mothers
Fuller, S. & Qian, Y. (2020)