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RS/T Bulletin no 5
août (2024)
RC/W Newsletter 5
August (2024)
Policy Paradigms, Instrument Choice, and Inequalities in Child Care Investments in Australia, Canada, and Germany
Davidson, A., Quelch, J., & White, L. (2024)
Policy Design, Instrument Choice, and Policy Feedback Effects of Institutional Business Power: Varieties of Child Care Investments in Australia, Canada, and Germany
Davidson, A., Quench, J., & White, L (2024)
Teaching Family? Care/Work Policy in Selected Family Courses in Canada’s Research-Intensive Universities
Prentice, S., McKay, L., & McKellep, T. (2024)
Partager le congé parental pour endiguer les inégalités de genre
Mathieu, S., Ragued, S., & Dutil, M.-J. (2024)
3 lessons from MP Karina Gould’s parental leave that could help all Canadian families
Doucet, A. (2024)
RS/T Bulletin no 4
décembre (2023)
RC/W Newsletter 4
December (2023)
Myopie et limites de la politique familiale québécois
Mathieu, S., & Croteau, C. V. (2023)