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La conciliation emploi-famille chez les mères et les pères québécois en temps de pandémie: constats et recommandations pour le Québec
Mathieu, S. & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)
Parentalité, conciliation emploi-famille et composition genrée de la main-d’oeuvre dans les organisations en temps de pandémie : le cas du Québec
Mathieu, S. & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)
“Looking After Our Own is What We Do”: Urban Ontario Indigenous Perspectives on Juggling Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work for Adult Family Members
Jewell, E., Doucet, A, Falk, J, and Hilston, K. (2022)
A decolonizing, intersectional, Black feminist approach to young Black Caribbean-Canadian mothers’ resilience
Goddard-Durant, S. K., Doucet, A., Tizza, H., & Sieurnarine, J. A. (2022)
“Time is Not Time is Not Time”: Care Responsibilities, Clock Time, and Process Time
Doucet, A. (2022)
La conciliation emploi-famille chez les mères et les pères québécois en temps de pandémie : constats et recommandations pour le Québec
Mathieu, S., & Tremblay, D.G. (2022)
Parenthood, Gender, and the Risks and Consequences of Job Loss
Fuller, S. & Qian, Y. (2022)
‘I’m kind of in a dilemma’: The challenges of non-standard work schedules and childcare
Richardson, B., Prentice, S., & Lero, D. (2021)
A Conversation with Pat Armstrong about “Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography”
Doucet, A., and Armstrong, P. (2021)
Decolonising Research with Black Communities: Developing Equitable and Ethical Relationships between Stakeholders
Goddard-Durant, S., Sieunarine, J. A. and Doucet, A (2021)