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Special Issue: Time Use Studies, Time, Temporality, and Measuring Care

Guest Editor: Doucet, A. (2023)

What and How are we Measuring When we Research Gendered Divisions of Domestic Labor? Remaking the Household Portrait Method into a Care/Work Portrait

Doucet, A. & Klostermann, J. (2023)

Care is Not a Tally Sheet: Rethinking the Field of Gender Divisions of Domestic Labour with Care-Centric Conceptual Narratives

Doucet, A. (2023)

Measuring the impacts of parenting leaves: Grappling with conceptual and methodological complexities

Doucet, A. & Duvander, A-Z. (2022)

“Confront[ing] the Suspicion” and “Embodied Embedded”: New Materialism, Relational Ontologies, and Fathering Bodies

Doucet, A. (2022)

“Looking After Our Own is What We Do”: Urban Ontario Indigenous Perspectives on Juggling Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work for Adult Family Members

Jewell, E., Doucet, A, Falk, J, and Hilston, K. (2022)

A decolonizing, intersectional, Black feminist approach to young Black Caribbean-Canadian mothers’ resilience

Goddard-Durant, S. K., Doucet, A., Tizza, H., & Sieurnarine, J. A. (2022)

“Time is Not Time is Not Time”: Care Responsibilities, Clock Time, and Process Time

Doucet, A. (2022)

A Conversation with Pat Armstrong about “Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography”

Doucet, A., and Armstrong, P. (2021)

Decolonising Research with Black Communities:  Developing Equitable and Ethical Relationships between Stakeholders

Goddard-Durant, S., Sieunarine, J. A. and Doucet, A (2021)

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