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Measuring the impacts of parenting leaves: Grappling with conceptual and methodological complexities
Doucet, A. & Duvander, A-Z. (2022)
Canada Country Note
Doucet, A., Lero, D.S., McKay, L., Mathieu, S., Ragued, S., Thompson, K., & Tremblay, D.-G. (2022)
Recours aux prestations de paternité pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 : Premières constatations au Québec
Mathieu, S. & Gendron, M. (2022)
Plus d’argent pour plus de nouveaux parents
Mathieu, S., & Ragued, S. (2022)
Parental leave needs an overhaul. Reform of the Canadian system should make it more inclusive, equitable and integrated with other benefit programs
Doucet, A., & de Laat, K. (2022)
Des changements au Régime québécois d’assurance parentale
Mathieu, S. (2021)
Les changements apportés au Régime québécois d’assurance parentale
Mathieu, S. (2021)
Socially Inclusive Parenting Leaves and Parental Benefit Entitlements: Rethinking Care and Work Binaries
Doucet, A. (2021)
Canada Country Note
Doucet, A., Lero, D.S., McKay, L., & Tremblay, D.-G. (2021)
Reconceptualizing Parental Leave Benefits in COVID-19 Canada: From Employment Policy to Care and Social Protection Policy
Doucet, A., Mathieu, S., and McKay, L (2020)