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Andrea Doucet speaks with CBC on the legacy of the 1981 Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike and the impact on well-paid inclusive parental leave in Canada

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Dans les Nouvelles — 29 janvier 2024

Are people taking enough time away from work?

Karen Foster discusses workload, vacation time, and employee performance.

Dans les Nouvelles — 25 janvier 2024

The effects of working multiple jobs on mental health and family life

Sylvia Fuller tells BC Today host Michelle Eliot about how the constant juggling of multiple jobs can lead to negative consequences.

Dans les Nouvelles — 15 janvier 2024

Martha Friendly on the working conditions of ECEs

Martha Friendly is featured on CBC News to discuss the importance of better wages and working conditions to recruit and retain workers needed to expand the child-care system.

Nouvelles RS/T — 14 Décembre 2023

RS/T Bulletin no 4

Nouvelles RS/T — 12 Décembre 2023

Kim de Laat on fathers and parental leave

A new report released by Kim de Laat, Andrea Doucet, and Alyssa Gerhardt has shown how Canadian paternal leave policies discourage fathers from taking time off from work to care for children. The problem can be solved with flexible work arrangements implemented by employers but managerial bias stands in the way.

Nouvelles RS/T — 12 Décembre 2023

Kim de Laat, Alyssa Gerhardt and Andrea Doucet discuss employment policies and fathers’ involvement at home

Our research finds that Canadian fathers who worked remotely during the pandemic reported higher levels of involvement in household work and child care. Remote work and other flexible work policies may play a crucial role in encouraging a more equitable distribution of household and care work within families.

Nouvelles RS/T — 11 Décembre 2023

National Child Care Advocacy Assembly

On Saturday November 18 and Sunday November 19, Child Care Now hosted the National Child Care Advocacy Assembly in Ottawa, ON. The first national meeting since 2014, this event brought together childcare advocates from across the country—both in person and online—to assess the progress of the Canada-wide system of early learning and child care, and discuss next steps to support an inclusive, accessible, affordable, and high quality system. 

Dans les Nouvelles — 6 Décembre 2023

Canada’s use of child care increasing, but many parents still face issues

Susan Prentice is featured on Global News on the realities of child care in Canada

Dans les Nouvelles — 5 Décembre 2023

Gordon Cleveland and Susan Prentice on the shortage of child care spaces in Canada

A new report from Statistics Canada says child care was more affordable across the country in 2023, but parents are having a harder time finding it. Meanwhile, the proportion of parents who reported having difficulty finding available child care increased to 62 per cent in 2023 from 53 per cent in 2019.

Nouvelles RS/T — 13 octobre 2023

Le 9 novembre, Sophie Mathieu, membre du comité exécutif, publiera son premier livre Égalité, fécondité et maternité: le soutien aux familles au Québec aux Presses de l’Université de Montréal

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