Reimagining Care/Work Policies

Childcare Project


We aim to examine and improve early learning and childcare services across all provinces and territories. Our team brings together researchers, policy experts, and Canada’s leading early learning and childcare organizations.

Childcare is fundamental social infrastructure, an essential service to families and the economy, and a key part of the care economy. Reimagining childcare is critical for economic recovery in Canada.

We develop insights into the complexities of childcare governance, delivery, and use. Making links to gender and intersectional inequalities, we examine gaps in families’ access to affordable, high quality, inclusive, and flexible childcare services.

Our team is actively contributing to the development of a new Canada-wide, community-based and high quality early learning and childcare program.


Martha Friendly (Childcare Resource and Research Unit) and
Susan Prentice (University of Manitoba)


Kate Bezanson (Sociology, Brock); Gordon Cleveland (Management, U of T); Christa Japel (Education, UQAM); Kathleen Lahey (Law, Queen’s); Sophie Mathieu (Business, Université TELUQ); Lisa Pasolli (History, Queen’s); Francesca Petrella (Economics and Management, Aix-Marseille University, France); Tricia van Rhijn (Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Guelph); Brooke Richardson (Sociology, Brock); Linda White (Political Science, U of T)


Katherine J Scott (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives); David MacDonald (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives); Morna Ballantyne (Childcare Now); Margo Greenwood (University of Northern British Columbia); Shellie Bird (Canadian Union of Postal Workers); Armine Yalnizyan (Atkinson Foundation); Rianne Mahon (Carleton University)

“… early learning and childcare is the national economic policy we need. Now. This is social infrastructure that will drive jobs and growth.”

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland
Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister

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