Reimagining Care/Work Policies

Who Owns Child Care? Who Should Own Child Care?

On April 4th and 5th 2024 we hosted the “Who Owns Child Care? Who Should Own Child Care” Symposium virtually and in person at the University of Manitoba. This event explored the issues and challenges associated with the delivery of non-profit, for-profit, and public child care and was organized in collaboration with the Duff Roblin Professor of Government and the Childcare Resource and Research Unit.

Please click the links below to access each of the panelists’ presentations.

Publicly Delivered Child Care

Martha Friendly: Public child care – Overview and context

Rianne Mahon: Municipal Child Care: Lighthouses for CWELCC?

Merete Villsen: The Danish child care system

Julie Cyr: Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Bonny Traverse: Lake St Martin Early Learning and Childcare Family Centre

For-Profit Child Care

Susan Prentice: For-profit overview

Gordon Cleveland: For-profit child care

Sophie Mathieu: The Quebec model and for-profit child care

Aisling Gallagher: Private Equity Investment in Child Care Markets

Non-Profit Child Care

Jane Beach: The lay of the land:  Non-profit child care in Canada

Christopher Smith: The Delivery of Non-profit Child Care: Public Good and Capacity Considerations

Pam Uppal: The Nonprofit Difference in Child Care: Unpacking The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Caryn LaFlèche: YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg

Eva Lloyd: Reflections on England’s Childcare System


Armine Yalnızyan: Caring for Profit – How it’s Changing in the Care Economy