What should parental leave and parental benefits look like in post-pandemic Canada?
Parental leave policies are more than employment policies. They are also care and social protection policies, a central part of equitable and inclusive care/work policy architecture for people and families, and key levers to facilitate gender and social equality in paid and unpaid work.
We look across Canada to explore issues of access to, and receipt of benefits for, parenting leaves for a broad range of families. We focus on gender and social class differences, and on differences between the Québec Provincial Insurance Program (QPIP) and EI-based parental benefits for the rest of Canada. We also consider how European “mixed benefits” policies (e.g., that combine employment-based and citizenship-based benefits) might work in Canada.
We also attend to the complexities of measuring the impacts of parental leave policies.
Andrea Doucet (Brock University), Sophie Mathieu (Université TELUQ), and Lindsey McKay (Thompson Rivers University)
Ann-Zofie Duvander (Sociology, U of Stockholm); Donna Lero (Family Relations, Guelph); Rachel Margolis (Sociology, Western University); Jennifer Robson (Carleton University); Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay (Business, Université Téluq); Kim deLaat (University of Waterloo)
Marian Baird (University of Sydney) Peter Moss and Margaret O’Brien (University College London, UK)

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