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Andrea Doucet speaks with CBC on the legacy of the 1981 Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike and the impact on well-paid inclusive parental leave in Canada

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Dans les Nouvelles — 7 novembre 2021

Mathieu, Sophie. (2020). Interview with Philippe-Vincent Foisy on childcare during the pandemic at Les Matins d’ici, 14 août.

Dans les Nouvelles — 25 mai 2021

Mathieu, Sophie. (2021). Expert interview with Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay for Concilivi on work-family reconciliation during the pandemic in Québec

Concilivi a eu le plaisir de s’entretenir avec deux de ses collaboratrices : Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay et Sophie Mathieu. Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay est professeure en gestion des ressources humaines à l’Université TÉLUQ.

Dans les Nouvelles — 9 mai 2021

Sophie Mathieu featured in an article by Suzanne Colpron (2021). Ça ne sera pas une belle fête des mères

Des milliers de femmes qui ont accouché depuis le début de la pandémie sont victimes d’un cruel jeu de loterie bureaucratique. Selon la date de leur demande au Régime québécois d’assurance parentale (RQAP), leurs prestations peuvent passer du simple au double

Dans les Nouvelles — 28 avril 2021

Mathieu, Sophie. (2021). Podcast with Gordon Cleveland on “The future of child care in Canada: What to expect?”, Institute for Research on Public Policy

On April 19, 2021, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented the first federal budget in two years. Among the many new and updated policies, one stood out especially – the promise of affordable universal childcare for all Canadians.

Dans les Nouvelles — 16 avril 2021

Mathieu, Sophie. (2021). Interview with Gérald Fillion on the implementation of universal childcare in Canada, Zone économie

Dans les Nouvelles — 21 novembre 2020

Kate Bezanson, Andrea Doucet, Sophie Mathieu were featured in Rosa Saba (2020).  “The pandemic exposed huge gaps in EI — turns out the parental leave system has many of the same problems

The year 2020 is proof the best laid plans can go wrong. Just ask Shantae Cunningham.

Dans les Nouvelles — 1 novembre 2020

Fuller, Sylvia. (2020). Mothers’ employment in the Covid-19 pandemic. CBC Radio, Maritime Noon.

Maritime Noon is a one-hour program devoted to delivering informative reports and interviews which explore issues that are of interest to Maritimers. Join host Bob Murphy weekdays from noon to 1 p.m.

Dans les Nouvelles — 30 octobre 2020

Sophie Mathieu was interviewed for an article by Marie Eve Morasse (2020). “ On est fatiguées, mais on ne pense pas à nous

Des travailleuses des services de garde des écoles de la province digèrent mal les trois journées pédagogiques supplémentaires accordées aux enseignantes par Québec.

Dans les Nouvelles — 14 septembre 2020

TVO, Kate Bezanson and Carolyn Ferns (from partner organization OCBCC) Reigniting the Economy through Childcare

Childcare in Ontario is the most expensive in Canada. The system has been broken for a long time, according to experts, and the pandemic has only exacerbated th…

Dans les Nouvelles — 18 août 2020

Sylvia Fuller and Yue Qian were featured in an article by Sabrina Maddeaux. (2020).There’s no economic recovery without working moms

It was always absurd. Even pre-pandemic, the cultural myth that working moms can “have it all” was in the midst of a brutal reality check. Fed up with the impossible task of excelling at parenthood, nurturing relationships and friendships, growing careers, and keeping up with household chores (“me” time, what’s that?!), moms began to reject the status quo

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