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Andrea Doucet speaks with CBC on the legacy of the 1981 Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike and the impact on well-paid inclusive parental leave in Canada
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Dans les Nouvelles — 15 août 2020
Sophie Mathieu featured in an article by Jean-Thomas Léveillé (2020). Services de garde en milieu scolaire : Est-ce que les bulles vont éclater?
Les services de garde constituent une faille dans le plan de Québec pour la rentrée scolaire, préviennent différents observateurs.
Dans les Nouvelles — 8 juillet 2020
The research of Sylvia Fuller and Yue Qian was highlighted in: COVID-19 has fostered ‘perfect storm pushing women out of their jobs’: UBC Study co-author.
When Deb Perlman wrote in a New York Times oped last week that “In the COVID-19 economy, you’re allowed only a kid or a job,” she didn’t specify that mothers have been particularly hard hit by the catastrophe.